
Does Size Matter To Women?

This has to be one of those undying questions that gets asked time and time again, usually by men I must add.

Women on the whole, don't particularly care about the size of mans penis IF IF IF the man knows what he's doing in bed. If you are skilled and can give your lady mind blowing orgasm and you have a tiny penis, then she really doesn't care. Believe me, I'm a woman myself and some of my best friends are women and women talk!


If you have a tiny penis and you are not good in bed, your lady is left sexually dissatisfied and frustrated after your best efforts, then you have a problem.

A situation like that is a breeding ground for discontent in a relationship and misery for you. My advice would be to talk to your lady and to see how she feels about the situation. Share your feelings with her and whatever you do, don't cut her out of anything that you are feeling.

Another route is to use this great product that has helped many men with enlarging their penis sizes.

You've got some decisions to make my advice there is not to take too long to decide which way to go with this. Simply put, if your relationship/sex life is important to you then you really have to go one way or the other:

I wish you all the luck in the world and hope that you find the joy of a full and complete sex life for you and your partner, there really isn't a whole lot in the world like it!

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