
How to Impress a Girl and Date Her in 3 Easy Moves

How to Impress a Girl and Date Her in 3 Easy MoHow to Impress a Girl and Date Her in 3 Easy Moves

By Gail Ambrosia-Tucci

If you're looking for the answer to the question "how to impress a girl?" then you've probably not been having much luck in the dating game. This article will tell you three of the easiest ways to impress a girl and date her.

STEP 1 - Be Yourself

If you want to impress a girl then the best start you can make is to be yourself. What that means is that you shouldn't have to pretend that you have more money than you have, that you work a job that you don't and that you drive a sports car. Yes some shallow girls might be impressed with all that, but if you start off saying that you're someone you're not, you will NEVER be able to continue that and when she finds out you're gone!

STEP 2 - Work On Yourself

Make sure that when you go out for the night that you are looking your best and smelling your best. Nothing will turn a girl off more quickly than a man with bad personal hygiene. On the same level, if you could stand to get yourself in shape physically, then go ahead and do that. A man who takes pride in his overall appearance has a head start on other men.

STEP 3 - Make Her Feel Special

If you can make a girl feel that she is the most important girl in the world when you're with her and when you're not, then you are on the way to discovering how to impress a girl. Do the old fashion things: open a door for her, hold a chair for her, pay for the date, be interested in what she's saying. When you're not with her, call her and send her a few text messages, just don't go over board and freak her out with too much attention.

It doesn't matter what you look like, how much you make, where you live and how many girls you've slept with. If you lack experience and want to know how to seriously impress girls and have them hand over their numbers, then I highly recommend you go to Guy Gets Girl for more information to help you out! It does work!

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